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The number one reason to drive slower at night is safety. It’s easier for drivers to see pedestrians and other cars on the road, which means driving slower is a good idea in general. The second reason you should drive slower at night is that it can be harder to gauge how much time you have before reaching an intersection or stop sign. When it’s dark outside, these things are difficult to see because there isn’t as much light shining down from the sky. This makes sense when you think about it: if all of your lights were turned off right now, would you know how close any object was? It might be close, or it could be inches away from you.
As a driver at night, it’s important to understand the limitations of your visibility and adjust accordingly. If there are people in the street that are difficult to see (or if they’re crossing), slow down so you can stop safely without running them over. The third reason drivers should drive slower at night is also about safety – because headlights don’t have as much reach when light shines through foggy windows – which means you may not know what’s ahead on the road until it’s too late! So make sure to use high beams whenever possible for optimal vision and efficient driving conditions.
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* – Driving at night is more difficult than during the day. – It’s harder to see things, like animals or children that may be on the side of the road; so it’s safer to go slower and have an increased awareness when driving at night. – The headlights from other cars can temporarily blind you if they’re too bright for your eyesight, causing temporary blindness and making it difficult to drive straight ahead. – Drinking alcohol makes everything worse while you are driving because alcohol decreases your ability to think clearly as well as slows down physical responses which could lead to accidents. Alcohol also increases drowsiness and lowers blood sugar levels in drivers who consume moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages before getting back behind the wheel after a