The third law of planetary motion was originally proposed by Johannes Kepler. It states that the square of the time it takes a planet to orbit its sun is proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis, which just means how far from its sun each planet orbits. This law has been useful for centuries as astronomers have used it in different ways and to solve problems. One example is when they first calculated what size Earth must be in order to have this same orbital period as Jupiter, with an error margin less than 5%.
The third law of planetary motion was originally proposed by Johannes Kepler. It states that the square of the time it takes a planet to orbit its sun is proportional to the cube of the semimajor axis, which just means how far from its sun each planet orbits. This law has been useful for centuries as astronomers have used it in different ways and to solve problems. One example is when they first calculated what size Earth must be in order to have this same orbital period as Jupiter, with an error margin less than five percent (later revised).
Newton had his own version of Kepler’s three laws that he published after discovering them on his own based on Hooke’s work about gravity being acceleration towards earth or any other body causing gravitation. The law states that a planet’s velocity is proportional to the square of its distance from the Sun and inversely proportional to the cube of its size (radius). This version has been used as well, but there are some inherent problems with it. For one thing, planets orbit their sun at different speeds depending on how far they are away from it. This means that you can’t use just this equation when solving for how long a given planet will take to complete an orbit around its sun or what speed it’ll be traveling through space once completed.” Planets orbiting their stars according to Newton’s new law: Planets have orbital periods equal to twice times pi divided by the square root of three multiplied by four