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Jojo isn’t just popular in the United States, she is also a huge deal overseas. I was watching her music video and noticed that it had over 5 million views. She has been able to accomplish this feat by getting into the right markets, which we will explore in more detail below.
Keyword: Jojo
Number of Words: 50
Bullet Point Title: Jojo’s Musical Career in Japan
-Jojo has been one of the most popular artists on Japanese radio. She released her first single, “I Love You,” to coincide with Valentine’s Day and it reached number two on Oricon charts immediately after its release.
-She is also featured in the soundtrack for an upcoming Studio Ghibli movie called “When Marnie Was There” which will be directed by Hiromasa Yonebayashi (director of The Secret World of Arrietty) and written by Hayao Miyazaki, a man often regarded as the greatest animation director alive today. It sounds like she’ll have a lot more exposure there
I’ve always loved Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure and I’m not alone, it seems.
What sets this series apart from other popular shonen anime is the over-the-top characters that are often outlandish in appearance or actions. It can be hard to put into words what about jojo drives people wild with love for it, but maybe someone who has been a fan of jojo since they were a kid knows why? My brother was obsessed with his bizare adventure when he was my age and now we’re both huge fans!
But even as an adult, there’s so much more than just the characters to fall in love with – you might like one arc better than another because of its story line (e.g. Phantom Blood) or because of the characters (e.g. Diamond is Unbreakable). I’m still figuring out why I have such a love for Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, but it sounds like she’ll have a lot more exposure there! Jojo has been popular in Japan and other parts of Asia since its debut back in 1987, so that popularity hasn’t slowed down now that they’re on Netflix! With 120 episodes across eight seasons at their disposal, I would say this animation has staying power and won’t be going anywhere any time soon – plus if you haven’t seen your favorite arc yet just keep watching until you get to it! Let me know what your thoughts are on jojo’s