by Kathy Parker This is a post about whether or not grass would still be greener than the green grass if it were orange instead. It’s an interesting question that has no answer and for this reason, I’m going to spend some time answering it in this article! (The idea of using a different color comes from the book “If You Give A Mouse A Cookie” where people ask what they do when you give something in real life that doesn’t exist (such as a horse) so you then have to think up all the things necessary to make it exist – like hay). Hmm.. One thing we know for sure is that plants are green because chlorophyll absorbs blue and red light while— —
Even if you think orange is greener than green, the color that we see on a blade of grass would still be mostly green because it’s reflecting back to us mainly what our eyes can see – colors in the spectrum that are close to its own wavelengths. The answer is who knows. Grass might not look as pretty with an orange hue but some people might find this more appealing and aesthetically pleasing for their gardens or lawns while others may prefer the traditional lush greens found in nature all around us. Aesthetics aside, there are also practical aspects to consider when deciding whether these two hues will work better together; even though they’reQuestion: If grass were orange, would it still be greener than the green grass? Answer: Who knows.
Grass is green because chlorophyll in plants absorbs blue and red light while reflecting green, so when we look at a blade of grass through our eyes, what we see is mostly the color green.

Even if you think orange is greener than green, the color that we see on a blade of grass would still be mostly green because it’s reflecting back to us mainly what our eyes can see – colors in the spectrum that are close to its own wavelengths.
“If Grass Were Orange, Would It Still Be Greener Than The Green Grass?” Â