alert to the dangers of backrollers! – Your Guide, Cassidy Jones. The water was flowing so fast that I couldn’t even see where we were going or what was around us, it just felt like we would be taken down to wherever the current took us.” This is why getting caught in a backroller can quickly become life threatening! They are dangerous because they carry you downstream at such great speeds without warning – not knowing how far away from land you’ll end up when all is said and done could lead to disaster if there aren’t any boats nearby waiting to rescue you!” Stay safe out on the river, and stay alert to the dangers of backrollers!” ” -Your Guide, Cassidy Jones. Possible Questions aware of your surroundings!
We all know that water is dangerous. But what many people don’t realize is just how dangerous it can be when traveling near low-head dams. Low-head dams are designed to produce a strong current in an area of the river where there isn’t much water flow – perfect for generating electricity. What does this mean? It means that if you get caught in a backroller while swimming, boating, or fishing near a low-head dam, the currents will carry you and your boat downstream quickly and with great force!
We recently had a close call with one of these dams. We were fishing near the dam and got caught in the backroller for about 30 seconds before being rescued by our guide. The water was flowing so fast that I couldn’t even see where we were going or what was around us, it just felt like we would be taken down to wherever the current took us.
This is why getting caught in a backroller can quickly become life threatening! They are dangerous because they carry you downstream at such great speeds without warning – not knowing how far away from land you’ll end up when all is said and done could lead to disaster if there aren’t any boats nearby waiting to rescue you! Stay safe out on the river, and stay