The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. It’s also the brightest object in our sky, with an albedo that can reach as high as 0.073 (which means it reflects about 7% of sunlight). The side we see all the time is called “the nearside,” while the other hemisphere we don’t see at all is called “the farside.” Regardless, sometimes there are eclipses and moonsets!
The moon is the only natural satellite of Earth. It’s also the brightest object in our sky, with an albedo that can reach as high as 0.07 (which means it reflects about 70% of sunlight). The side we see all the time is called “the nearside,” while the other hemisphere we don’t see at all is called “the farside.” Regardless, sometimes there are eclipses and moonsets!
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14) Following a long-form blog post, add this sentence: Continue reading for more inexplicable lunar phenomena below.
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The moon, like the Earth or any other planet in our solar system, has a human-like face on one side. This is because of how it rotates around its axis and orbits the Earth. In fact, most planets have a similar single-sided appearance with respect to their rotation and orbit – they are always lit by the sun from one direction so we can see them as having “faces”.
There’s another reason why we only ever see half of an object: shadows. When light hits an opaque surface (such as your hand), some parts will be brighter than others, depending where exactly it bounces off that particular part of the object (this is known as diffuse reflection). If you place your hand over something else – The moon’s rotation is the same as its revolution around the Earth, which means that we always see the same face of it. – Because of this, from any point on earth you can’t see more than one side of it at a time – all nighttime or daytime lunar phases are visible by us! – This also means that every day and night there must be periods where no part of either hemisphere is lit by sunlight. BONUS: Moon Facts: – It is impossible to have two full moons in one month because each new moon occurs when the sun and moon align with our planet’s line between them (Earth). When they do so again 30 days later, a second full moon appears for