This is a blog post about why you can’t get just one kiss. It talks about the feeling of not being loved and never getting enough attention from anyone, but then it goes on to say that there are ways to fix these problems. You may not be able to get just one kiss, but with these tips you will find that people will love you more than they ever have before!
Keywords: Love, Relationships, Kisses
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I am a girl who has been in love with the same guy for about two years. I have never had a kiss, at all. Thinking back to when he was my friend and then as we started dating, it’s always been that way. No kisses ever! It doesn’t help me out because now I’m getting used to not kissing him or anyone else. But I also want to be kissed by him eventually so that might just make things worse?
What should I do??
Why can’t I get just one kiss?
-Johnnie Miller (age 24)
When you’re in love but aren’t allowed any physical contact, is it safe to say your partner isn’t really interested A blog post about the impossibility of getting a single kiss. It’s truly impossible to get just one kiss from someone you love and returns your feelings, but we all keep trying our luck at it again and again nonetheless. Why can’t I be happy with what I have? And why do people always want more instead of appreciating everything they already have? Well there are many reasons for this: maybe you’re not really loved in return, or maybe the person is afraid that if he/she gives up something then their loved one will leave them, so they try to hold on as tight as they can. Maybe by giving up something like kissing means that things won’t last between two people forever (in other words). But