this is why we can’t have nice things meme

Are you a huge Apple fan? Do you have an iPhone that is old, but still works just fine? Is your phone the envy of all your friends because it was the latest model when it came out and now they have to settle for outdated technology? Well, we’re sorry to break this news to you: You Aren’t Getting A New iPhone.

In an interview with The Telegraph, Apple CEO Tim Cook has stated that the company is not going to be releasing a new iPhone at anytime in 2018. This means you may have to wait until 2019 before getting your hands on a shiny new one. And if you’re thinking of upgrading from last year’s model now — don’t bother! When buying something used or refurbished will save you money but still gets the job done just fine.

We all know how expensive iPhones are when they come out and even though it might seem tempting to get this years newest release, think about what would happen if there was some kind of catastrophic software disaster for which we had no backup? You should always back up your phone data as soon as possible so that you can always get your data back on a new phone. And if that kind of disaster does happen, it will be very expensive to buy the newest iPhone and then have to pay for another new one when it comes out next year.

So just stick with what you got! You’ll save money in the long-run because not only are used iPhones cheaper but refurbished ones too! It doesn’t matter how good your credit is or whether or not someone else has already paid off their contract — as far as Apple knows, they’re still paying off their contract which means there’s no early upgrade fee for them either. Even though this might mean waiting until 2019 before getting an iphone again, at least you know exactly why and The first thing you need to do is stop standing on the side of highways asking people for money. We’re all going to work. We have jobs and we pay taxes, so why don’t companies like yours? Why should I be expected to give up my hard-earned cash because somebody else can’t get their act together? You know what I think would really help your business model? If everyone just stopped giving your company money! So no matter how many times someone says they’ll buy a new iPhone from me if I make it rain, or tells me they’ll deliver pizza in exchange for some change; at this point it’s not happening. You might as well try selling unicorns too while you’re at it

Categories: blog
Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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