the reason why raeliana

and learn to use their words. The reason why Raeliana is not about doing what everyone else tells her, but instead has the courage and power of saying “no” when it’s necessary- even if they’re afraid or uncomfortable with confrontation. It’s time for self-care and making sure she gets what she deserves so that she can feel better on the inside before deciding how best to express herself on the outside. And while this might mean having tough conversations, which may be hard in person, it will still result in a happier life than living under someone else’s thumb. Raeliana knows that others have similar stories from friends who are also unhappy; people going through things at work because no one wants and stop being the person that doesn’t speak up.

The Reason Why Raeliana: is to feel like herself again and take risks

Actions Learned in This Experience: don’t be afraid to stand up for oneself, make excuses for others or not speaking up when something goes wrong. Be assertive with people around them; have boundaries set and stick to them; fight back against those who cross their personal lines of what they are willing to do.

One thing I learned from this experience was how much better it felt owning my own life- even if that meant risking rejection or whatever else may come along with taking a chance on myself. I realized how important boundary setting can be, because then you get to decideThe Reason Why Raeliana, a woman who has had enough of being the “good guy,” is ready to get mean.

“I’ve always been the one in my group of friends that doesn’t have any drama and I’m tired of it,” says Raeliana. “I want to be able to feel like myself again.”

Raeliana’s feeling frustrated with her life and she wants change. She’s not sure how she will accomplish this goal but knows that it starts with her taking risks- something she hasn’t done for years.

Raeliana is ready to get mean.

She has had enough with being the “good guy” who tolerates all sorts of nonsense from people around them, so now they’re going on a mission: To be more assertive when things don’t go their way; stop making excuses for others;

Categories: blog
Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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