mohammed’s koran: why muslims kill for islam

Why Muslims Kill: Why You Should Care is an exploration of the root causes behind why so many young Muslim people are being radicalized and killing in the name of Islam. The author, Dr. Bill Warner provides a comprehensive history lesson on how Mohammed’s Koran can be used as an excuse for violence and terrorism.

This book is essential reading if you want to understand what motivates Islamic terrorists from groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hamas, Hezbollah and Boko Haram – all of which have been linked to terrorist attacks around the world.

This book is designed to provide a thorough overview of the root causes behind radicalisation and terrorism by examining Mohammed’s teachings in his Koran. There are ten chapters, each focusing on a specific cause – such as “Mohammed was not peaceful,” or “The teaching that Muslims must kill for Islam.” The first four chapters examine how Mohammed ordered violence against non-Muslims throughout his life; the next four focus on more recent events from 1947 until today. Three additional chapters explore three theories about why some Muslim people choose terrorist tactics: they’re angry because of their poverty; they want revenge for past Western imperialism (including colonialism) and/or military actions against Islamic countries; they draw strength from desperation.

Dr. Warner concludes with practical solutions that the West and Islamic countries can take to undermine the violent ideology. The first four chapters examine how Mohammed ordered violence against non-Muslims throughout his life; the next four focus on more recent events from 1947 until today. Three additional chapters explore three theories about why some Muslim people choose terrorist tactics: they’re angry because of their poverty; they want revenge for past Western imperialism (including colonialism) and/or military actions against Islamic countries; they draw strength from desperation. Dr. Warner concludes with practical solutions that the West and Islamic countries can take to undermine the violent ideology.” “In this eye-opening, provocative book, renowned expert Robert Spencer shows what Islamists actually believe–and demonstrates how a fair reading of these beliefs offers new insight into

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Radhe Gupta: Radhe Gupta is an Indian business blogger. He believes that Content and Social Media Marketing are the strongest forms of marketing nowadays. Radhe also tries different gadgets every now and then to give their reviews online. You can connect with him...
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