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I’m not sure where this new word comes from, but it really fits my life in general. The word terribly comes from the Latin word horribly (meaning ‘unbearable’). This new word has become a popular term in my world because of its negative connotations. I often hear people say things like “you can’t possibly be that horrible” and “your life is so terrible”.
Unfortunately, that is a pretty common statement to hear when describing your life. It doesn’t have to be. Im not that horrible.
The word horribly is actually a rather nice word and it makes sense. I dont think I can possibly be that horrible, but I can be horrific. How often did you hear an angry person say this in a conversation? I rarely see an angry person being the horrible person I think they are. I think people who say this are usually just trying to make themselves feel better.
Maybe if they had a better life, or they had a better job, or they were more popular, they wouldn’t be so angry. I think it might have just been that the thing they were upset about happened to them while they were younger.
I think this is a common response from people who are angry that their lives are not perfect. It isn’t so much that they are hateful that they are horrible, but that they think their life isn’t perfect. This is where the self-awareness comes in. They want to change their life to be better. So they try to make themselves and their life perfect. But even if they change, they don’t have a good enough reason to do it.
This is the biggest mistake that people make when they try to fix their life. They try to change it because they think that will be the best way to fix it. They dont realize the problems they have. They dont take the time to think about how horrible their lives are.
So what do you do when you’re constantly going from bad to worse? You start to think about ways to improve your life to make it better. You start to think about why you’re doing the things you’re doing. In the end, you realize that those things are not making the life you want to have go better. You realize that those things are, in fact, what are making you unhappy, and you try to change them.
The problem with thinking about how horrible your life is, is that you end up making it worse. As you go through life trying to improve your life, you end up making your life even more miserable. And the more miserable you make your life, the more you want to change it.
In the end, we all have a certain amount of unhappiness in our lives, and most of us spend most of our time fighting that unhappiness. As much as we try to change, we end up fighting against it. We can’t change our unhappiness all the time, so we must fight it. This is why we’ve come to the point where we have to learn how to recognize it and fight against it.
There is a point where you really start to recognize an unhappiness in your life. It is at this point you feel the pain and it is then that you can fight against it. This is why there is a certain amount of unhappiness in our lives that is so difficult to fight against, because we dont realize how bad we make it, until we hit a wall.